Monday, May 31, 2010


I came to Leipzig last night, but haven't taken any photos yet, because all of my SD cards are full.  Mom looked at shipping my computer to me, but it cost $250 to send it!  So I have been looking at netbooks today.  They cost about the same as the shipping, so I think I will do that.  I also looked at getting a phone.  I can get a prpaid sim card that will work in my phone.  Incoming calls are free, so once I have it, feel free to call.  I will post my new number.  Outgoing international calls are expensive so don't expect me to call you unless I can get to a call center.   Of course it is raining again!  This is getting a little depressing.  I will make another post after I have taken some pics.  Leipzig is almost as nice as Dresden.

1 comment:

  1. Sorry to hear about all the rain. Is that typical for this time of year, or has it started early. It would be early for here.
    Still sounds like you're having a great time.
