Wednesday, May 19, 2010

Donaueschingen to Gutmadingen

Friday afternoon I got off the train in Donaueschingen and headed to the Donauquelle.  This is the original source of the Danube.  A small spring next to the Furstenberg palace, surrounded by a colonade with sculptures and tablets on the wall from all the countries the Danube goes through.   I started from this point and headed to the Donaususammenfluss.  This is the point where two small rivers come togther and the Danube really begins.  From this point I headed downriver through rolling countryside until I came to the first village the river runs through.   The village had a small hunting castle called schloss Entenberg.  from here I went on to the next village which was a little smaller, but very nice looking.  By this time it was late and I was starving, however there was no place open to eat.  The only Gasthaus only sered drinks.  They told me I could get something at the next town, so I went on, tired and hungry.


  1. Your travels sound wonderful. I knew you'd meet some people to stay with here and there. I bet the villages are really great looking. Marbeth, I can't find you phone number to get the link to picassa - my email is if you want to email me your number. Or if you have my #, call me. Wally, I'm going to the bank tomorrow! Stay strong, rest that ankle and keep on truckin!

  2. Wow that's so beautiful. So different from the states.
