Wednesday, May 19, 2010


Gutmadingen was the town that I was sent to.  When I got there it was about 8 oclock and I walked into the first Gasthaus that I saw, the Gasthaus Ochsen (oxen).  When I came in there was a small group of people at the table, I asked them if I could gt something to eat here, and they looked at me and said I could eat wine there, then the owner came out and said of course I could and brought me a menu.  He sked if I could read German and I said yes.  I ordered and got the best Jagrschnitzel I have ever had.  While I wa eating I could tell the people were talking about me.  The owner came back to my table and asked about where I was from, etc.  H invitd me to put up my tent in his garden  We talked for a few minutes and he invted me to come to the Stammtisch, the table everyone else was at, I said thank you and did.  This is rare to be invited to the Stammtisch so I was impressed.  So I had a beer with everyone and then as a treat one of the other men who was there and is a magician put on a show for the group.  We all had a great time and then I was invited by one of the other men, Rudi, to stay at his house instead of camping.  I thought this was a great idea so we went back to his house and talked about all kinds of things until 2 in the morning then I got to sleep on the sofa bed.  Next morning we got up and had breakfast, which one of the others had brought over for us.  Gutmadingen is the home of a tractor manufacturer and they will have a big antique tractor fest this weekend, to which I was invited back.  Unfortunately because of the knee problem and being in Austria now I will not be able to go.


  1. Walter, I just saw this post. Not sure of the date it was put up. How cool!!!! I'm so glad people are welcoming to you, (not that I'm surprised!)

  2. This is the sort of heartwarming hospitality from strangers that make it all worthwhile. Truly amazing the connections one can sometimes make when traveling or living in a foreign country.
