Wednesday, May 19, 2010

The Donautal, Vienna, Bad Tatzmannsdorf

The Donautal is the Danube Valley where it goes through the Schwabian Alps.  It is really beautiful here.  Really high mountains with castles an monasteries everywhere you look.  I wish I had the energy to climb up and look at some of them, but by this time my knee was starting to bother me.  I kept on walking though until I came to Beuron.  In Beuron is a very large Benedictine monastary.  It was nic to see, so I had a lite dinner here and then kept going until I reache Siegamaringen.  By this time I couldn't go down stairs, so I went to the doctor.  He said I needed to take a break gave me some cortizone and a prescription for 400mg ibuprofen.  I took his advice and decided to take a train to Vienna and visit the Kaisers archives to check on my great grandfathers military record.  However I just realized that I gave them the wrong birth year and although I found a lot of relatives records I didn't find his.  I guess I will have to go back.  I have to anyway because it was another cold and rainy day.  I decided to do some laundry, which was really a debacle.  The maschine didn't work and I couldn't gt my clothes back out.  I was freezing in a pair of shorts and a tshirt, until a chinese girl came in and helped me out.  She called the owner who came an retrieved my clothes and paid for the dryer.  Then I got warmly dressed and headed to Bad Tatzmannsdorf, my grandfathers hoem town.  By the time I got here the camping platz was closed, but the police, who had seen me on the road earlier told me to go ahead and stay and talk to the owners in the morning.  So I did.  I never saw the owners though.  When I got up there was nobody around so I hung out for a while, but when noone came I went into town to the Catholic Church to look at their birth records, etc.  The priest told me that sine it was such a small village back then I would have to go to the county seat, Oberwart, where I am writing from now.  While I was waiting for the bus I had a look around an came to the war memorial, where there was a list of Fiedlers and other relatives who had died in WWI, and WWII.  I took the bus to Oberwart and am waiting to meet with the prist here.
Until the next tim Auf Wiedesehen


  1. From my friend,Lynn Kilroy Holberton on FB, who said it isn't the straight away that gets you, it is the ups and downs.
    Oh - forgot - congrats on the accomplishment...even if you didn't get as far as you wanted. Good job !!!
    57 minutes ago

    Very interesting reading. Dr. Mountcastle yesterday said to tell you take the train and rest your knee. Elevate and ice. Looks like you are having a great time.
    Got one sock done to the heel. Be well. Love, Mom

  2. Wow, I'm amazed at all of your adventures while traveling to the many places, all of the ups and downs. The chaos at the laundromat surely had to be a low point! I've had trouble even finding a place to do laundry in Vienna -- and then I had to have help figuring out how the machines worked, since the money is deposited into a box across the room, rather than in the washers and dryers. I wish I had known you were going to be in Vienna, so that I could have provided you with a place to stay, cooked exotic meals for you, and given you a tour of some of my favorite places in this magical city that feels like home to me now. Maybe next time . . .
