Monday, June 28, 2010


This weekend I went with the gang to the Elbhangfest in Blasewitz.  The Elbhangfest (Elbe Bank Fest) is a wine festival in its 20th year.  I forgot to take my camera with me, but the photo is of Blasewitz, which is one of the most prestigious suburbs of Dresden.  All around on the hillsides are Villas and Luxury Estates, even a couple of palaces.  Naturally we all drank some wine and just generally had a great time.
I am off school for the week, and practicing my grammer lessons.  There are still a lot of things that just don't make any sense to me.  I'll keep trying though.  :)


  1. Liebe Bubba, i've missed your updates. Enjoy your week off school.

  2. I love the way Europeans have a festival for everything imaginable. Someone wrote: "With so many cultures to show off — and so many centuries of practice — Europe is a pro at partying. The normal can-can of carnivals, medieval fairs, music fests, and national holidays could light a fire under the most burned-out sightseer." Music and film festivals have always been a highlight for me, but I find it fascinating to see such events as a celebration of the harvesting of grapes for wine in the vineyards or an apricot festival (not sure what that one was about, I read about it in the newspaper). Oh yes, let's party and celebrate!
